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Copy, Cut, Paste – For use this option first we need to select the content or word or sentence from the existing document.
Format Painter – From this tool, we can format or change the design to any line, word, paragraph, etc. in the document with the previous formatting or designing in the same document. This is very useful when we have large documents and want to change the same design on many pages.
We can customize our text in font block using advanced font design, size, and many tool options to give it the exact look which we want.
We can add a variety of styles and colors to our text, as well as visual effects, like highlight, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, and all caps, etc.
The paragraph has many options to design the layout of the current paragraph in the document.
Like indentation, alignment, spacing, bullets, shading, border, etc.
Line spacing is the space between the lines of text in one paragraph.
By default, lines are single-spaced.
There is a preset design layout in the style block that we can apply in our current document. And also we can create our design and saved it with a preferable name which we want.
This block has options with Find, Replace, and Select. With the help of these tools we can:
• Find text or other content in the document.
• Search for text we would like to change and replace it with something else.
• Select text with certain formatting, or object in our document.
All the above options in which they are arranged are called the Blocks or group. And all the Blocks in which they are arranged are called Ribbons.